

January/February 2025


Welcome back to Piano Lessons 2025!    I hope your holidays were merry and bright...and restful, too!

~Deborah Butler 

We have some interesting speakers coming up:

Friday, February 7, 2025

10:00am-12:00pm  Presentation:  "Piano Methods from Around the World"

                                                        Dr. Lark Powers

12:00pm Business Meeting          

Location:  Loucks Auditorium, Salem Public Library


Friday, April 4, 2025

9:30 Business Meeting

10:00am-12:00pm Presentation:  "The Taubman Approach" 

                                                       Deborah Cleaver

Location:  Studio of Asya Gulua, 3395 Hulsey Ave., SE, Salem, OR


Thank you, Shari!

Fall Syllabus 2024 Report

Fall Syllabus 2024 went very smoothly.  My thanks to the teachers who opened their studio on Friday 11/1/2024 (two studios) and Saturday 11/2/2024.  Each of the days was a full schedule for our three adjudicators:  Alexis Gibbons, Alona Maizlin, and Liz Willis.  We had eleven teachers and thirty students registered. Twenty of the students were Levels 1 through 6 and ten were Levels 7 through 9.  Congratulations to teachers and students for their hard work!

Thank you--

Shari B.


Spring Syllabus - coming up the weekend of May 16-18, 2025.

Kellene Goff & Deborah Butler, Chairs

Please let your Chair know if you are planning to enter students.
The deadline to sign up in Leggerio will be in April.

Grace Ho asked me to email this out to our Salem District.  

If you are interested in this event, please let Grace know Directly.

Dear Deborah,


Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season. 


My name is Grace Ho, and I am a fellow OMTA member as well as a member of the piano faculty at the University of Oregon School of Music and Dance. 


I am emailing to see if you would be willing to pass along a message to your district members about a research study on teaching methods for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This study is being conducted by the University of Oregon, and I am the researcher along with my colleague, Michelle Sulaiman. 


We are seeking piano teachers and piano students to participate in this study. Participation would involve videorecording one piano lesson and completing a brief survey. 


We are looking to recruit up to 20 pairs of teachers and students for this study and would greatly appreciate your help in reaching out to your district members for participation. Thank you for considering! 




Grace Ho, D.M.A.


Michelle Sulaiman, D.M.A.

October/November 2024


Our October 4 meeting is rescheduled to Friday, November 1, same time, same place (see below).

Do you have a favorite Autumn piece? 

Every year I think of furthering my collection of Autumn/Thanksgiving music.  I began

searching for this music and was surprised at how many pieces I found:  Vivaldi, Tchiakovsky, 

Kabalevsky, Haydn, MacDowell, Fanny Mendelssohn, Gillock, Last, Mercer, etc.

Autumn seems to inspire us all!



Registration Deadline Friday, October 4

Exams Dates Thursday - Saturday, October 31 - November 2

Hello again, fellow teachers--

Just a reminder that the deadline for OMTA fall syllabus registration 

is this coming Friday, October 4.  The date of the event is October 31

to November 2 (Thurs.-Sat.).  Leggiero is available.

Let me know if you have questions! Also let me know if you are willing

to host syllabus in your studio (if you haven't already).  🙂

Thank you--Shari Beals 


Friday, November 1 

Broadway Coffeehouse -  Europe Room 403

  9:30am    Business Meeting

10:00am    Speaker:  Dr. Crystal Zimmerman, NCTM

 Program:  "Succeeding with Sonatinas:

                   From Early Beginner through Early Advanced."        

Our website is updated!  Thank you to

Benjamin Smith!  Please let me know if you have any corrections or additions.


Friday, December 6 @ Magnolia on the Green

Happy teaching! 

Deborah Butler, President

Salem District OMTA  



by Robert Lewis Stevenson

In the other gardens
And all up the vale,
From the autumn bonfires
See the smoke trail!

Pleasant summer over
And all the summer flowers,
The red fire blazes,
The grey smoke towers.

Sing a song of seasons!
Something bright in all!
Flowers in the summer,
Fires in the fall!

August/September 2024

Dear Salem District, OMTA Teachers,

I hope you have been enjoying these lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer.

Our first meeting of the 2024-2025 year is coming up next week!

Friday, September 13, 2024

11:00 am - 12pm-ish

Minto-Brown Park

Let's meet at the park!  

We'll have a short business meeting and lots of visiting!

Please bring a picnic lunch or snacks and a folding chair or blanket. 

Also, feel free to bring a friend!

Holly Peters is busily working on our Membership Directories. Please be

watching your email next week for our first ever email Directory!

Directions to Minto-Brown Park:

Take River Road South and enter the Park Entrance on your Right 

(coming from the North).

Turn into the next driveway on your Right.

Please let me know if you have any comments or questions.

Hope to see you soon!

Deborah Butler, President

Salem District OMTA  

September/October 2023

Welcome back to Salem District OMTA!

I hope everyone had a relaxing summer!  This is "Back-to-Teaching-Music" time!  This is a busy time of the year when we teachers may be found frantically--and happily--planning and scheduling our coming year! We have some great meetings planned again this year!

Oct.     6   Melody Morrison - Zoom

Dec.    1   Christmas Brunch - Magnolia on the Green 

Feb.    2   Dr. Lark Powers

March 1   Dr. Thomas Otten

June    2  Wrap-Up Brunch - Basil & Board


Baroque Festival - Kellene Goff

Art & Music Festival - Crystal Zimmerman


Fall Syllabus - October 19-21 - Shari Beals

Spring Syllabus - May 17-19 - Kellene Goff and Deborah Butler


Pamela Miller - Crystal Zimmerman

Iva Turner - Trinity Goff

See you on the 15th at Minto-Brown Park!

~Deborah Butler, President, Salem District, OMTA

Our first meeting - Minto-Brown Park

Friday, September 15, 2023 @ 11:00 am

Pick up your 2023-2024 Membership Directory.

Bring a chair and lunch or a snack to share!

Please welcome our New Members

Grace Taylor

(971) 715-9080

Dr. Asya Gula

Thank you to all our volunteers working on Salem District OMTA events and business!

Esther Fields

Debbie Smith

Jill Foster

Dr. Crystal Zimmerman

Kellene Goff

Trinity Goff

Holly Butler

Shari Beals

Marilyn Reischke

We need you to volunteer!  Please volunteer to help with an event this year. This is needed to keep our organization fresh and moving forward. We need you!!

Bring Refreshments to a meeting
Assemble Membership Directory
Contact Members

Chair or Co-Chair a Festival

Help organize our Christmas Brunch, speakers, and meetings

Help chair a festival

Board Member


Let us know if you have any questions or ideas.

Fall Syllabus Registration is OPEN!

Shari Beals has stepped up to chair this event

Fall Syllabus: October 19-21, 2023

Deadline: September 22, 2023

Chair: Shari Beals

Location: If you can offer your studio, please let Shari know.

The deadline for entries is September 22 and the exam dates are October 19-21 (Thurs, Fri, Sat). Webmaster

Benjamin Smith has agreed to be the Web Master this year! Thank you, Benjamin!

Syllabus Rebates Available again this year!



Presenter: Dr. Thomas Otten, NCTM

In Person: Yes   

Online: Yes

Short Program       

How Do I Get My Student to Sound Arsc? What makes for an arsc performance? This session will delve into issues of tone, rubato, 

rhythm, arculaon, pedal, tempo and how to use these elements to create arstry in student


Free Piano

Spinet piano, a Straube built in 1941

Please contact Marilyn Reischke:

Pianist Wanted
Paradise Island Chapel is looking for a pianist on Sunday mornings to play three hymns for congregational singing.  Their service begins at 10am, and they will pay $50 per Sunday.  Paradise Island Manufactured Home Park is located on Turner Road south of WalMart.

Please contact Marilyn Reischke at or 503-509-9326

March/April 2023

It's already is March 1--who would've guessed we would still be enjoying snow!? A few weeks ago, when the sun came out, wouldn't you know some of my students hardly practiced?  So, I'm hoping the snow will help bring them back inside to visit their friend more--The Piano! :)


March 3 Meeting

Broadway Coffeehouse

1300 Broadway St, Salem, OR, Europe Room 403 4th floor (There are parking lots on 5th St.)

9:30 am  Business Meeting

10:00 am Program:  Dr. Steven Lewis

"Hearing, Sight, Touch and Proprioception: Engaging the Four Senses of Piano Playing"

Spring Syllabus 2023 - Deborah Butler, Chair

To register your students, please visit

Spring Syllabus registration will open on March 1, and the deadline is  April 21.

Art & Music Festival 2023 - Crystal Zimmerman, Chair

The Art & Music Festival will be held the morning of May 20, 2023 at Sunnyslope Christian Reformed Church 197 Hrubetz Rd SE, Salem.

Student Entry form must be received by: May 5, 2023

Artwork must be received by: May 17, 2023

Pamela Miller Scholarship Recital 2023 - Crystal Zimmerman, Chair

The competition will be held the afternoon of May 20, 2023 at Willamette University. Print and fill out the form on our website to apply for the Pamela Miller scholarship competition. 


Iva Turner Award - Chair TBA

Date and Location - TBA


Hope to see you Friday!

Deborah Snow Butler, President

Salem District OMTA


January/February 2023

Happy New Year!

I hope you had a restful, peaceful holiday season. And now onward to MUSIC…lots of it! Winter is a wonderful time to make music: Chilly Weather + Blustery + Dark = More Practice! :)


Our first meeting of the New Year will be Friday, February 3, 2023.

Broadway Coffeehouse

1300 Broadway St, Salem, OR, Europe Room, 4th floor (There are parking lots on 5th St.)

  9:30am - 10:00am    Business Meeting

10:00am - 12:00pm  Program:  Dr. Crystal Zimmerman

"Non-Verbal Teaching:  Identifying and Utilizing Learning Styles"


Website Announcement

The phone number and email of each member of Salem District OMTA has been published on our website in order to provide contact information for potential music students. In fact, our new website has already generated at least one new student!  If you would like your information removed or changed, please contact Deborah Butler. ~Debbie Smith, Secretary     


A note from Kellene Goff RE:  Baroque Festival

Hello Teachers, Our Baroque Festival will be held on February 11 at St Mark Lutheran Church in Salem. The deadline for entries will be January 28. Leggiero is open. Feel free to email with any questions, ~Kellene Goff


Spring Syllabus is coming up! 

May 19-21, 2023

Deadline for entries is April 21.

Start planning now.


Voice scholarships are available.

FYI - This is a special notice to let everyone know that Monday Musical Club of Portland is now accepting applications for the 2023 Scholarship Awards Program. The announcement and application are available at our website:

This year we will be awarding $16,000 to the top contestants following our auditions on April 15th. The competition is open to students of music, ages 14 through 22, who are studying and living in the state of Oregon or Clark County, Washington. We expect that we will meet the maximum number of applicants very quickly this month, so please disseminate this message quickly to as many eligible students and teachers as possible. We want to give everyone an equal opportunity to apply. Thank you for helping to spread the word. Grant Porter


As always, please let me know if you have any suggestions or ideas.


See you soon,

Deborah Snow Butler, President

Salem District OMTA

November/December 2022

Hope you are enjoying the crisp weather lately. It's perfect for cooking stews, soups and bread! It's also perfect for music! As the season of Thanksgiving approaches, I am thankful for each of you and your musical gifts! ~Deborah

Hope to see you at our November meeting next week!

♫ Friday, November 4

Jill Foster's Studio

855 McKinley St., Woodburn

9:30 Business Meeting

10:00 Program with Wendy Stevens

"Inside Out Rhythm"

This will be a fun meeting about teaching rhythmand playing some rhythm games.

Our last meeting of the year will be our annual Christmas Luncheon with our teachers-- Salem OFMC, SFMC, and the state presidents of OMTA and OFMC. Come and enjoy a lovely time of enjoying delicious food and visiting with local music teachers!

Christmas Luncheon

Friday, December 2

Marco Polo Restaurant, 300 Liberty St., Salem, OR

12pm Noon

Questions: Marilyn Reishke, (503) 509-9326 -


♫ Welcome, New Members! 

Gabriel Sternberg

Ron Bechtel

♫ Membership Directory Correction:

Melissa Terrall

♫ Mark your calendars for our 2023 Broadway Commons Meetings

February 3

March 3

We have some great speakers lined up! As always, please let me know if you have any suggestions or ideas.

See you soon,

Deborah Snow Butler, President

Salem District OMTA